Wōden-Pæþwyrhta I feel you still
You passed by here and went where you will
Through the trees and over the hills
By the farms and broken flour mills

Your destination, I know not where
I will choose to follow only if I dare
Treading that path, I must have a care
As I must pass the old wīht’s lair

Wisdom and knowledge I do so crave
From dusty tomes and darkened caves
Following your footsteps upon the paves
Away from the light and into the shade

Inspire me, ruin me, and make me fight on!
I will never give up and never be done!
Incessant, persistent from a walk I will run
By the light of dear Mōna, in the heat of fair Sunne

I feel I am gaining, not falling behind
Learning by deed and trying to be kind
Knowing without knowing just what I will find
Tasting the fruits of my labours and not just the rind

Wōden-Pæþwyrhta I feel you still
Deep in my bones, moving in for the kill
Amongst the trees and beneath the hills
As you pass me by and go where you will