
Meaning of Name: Sunne is the Old English form of “Sun” and quite literally refers to exactly that. She is known as Sól in Old Norse and Sunna is Old High German.

Pronunciation: As per modern “Sun”

Function: Sunne is the Sun personified in Germanic mythology. One of the two Old High German Merseburg Incantations, written in the 9th or 10th century CE, attests that Sunne is the sister of Sinthgunt. In Norse mythology, Sól is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.

In both the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda she is described as the sister of the personified moon, Máni, is the daughter of Mundilfari, is at times referred to as Álfröðull, and is foretold to be killed by a monstrous wolf during the events of Ragnarök, though beforehand she will have given birth to a daughter who continues her mother’s course through the heavens. In the Prose Edda, she is additionally described as the wife of Glenr. As a proper noun, Sól appears throughout Old Norse literature. Scholars have produced theories about the development of the goddess from potential Nordic Bronze Age and Proto-Indo-European roots.

Sunne is as important a figure in Fyrnsidere praxis as her brother, Mōna, though again many will not refer to her directly or make any particular offering to her. I will honour her at Midsumor when she is at her strongest and I will refer to her again at Yule, petitioning her to return and pass her warmth and light back to Middangeard, to banish the hostile weather of Winter and literally help bring the world back to life.

Iconography: Sunne is sometimes characterised in Norse literature as being chased across the sky by the great wolf Skӧll, meaning “Treachery” and is often said to be in a chariot pulled by the horses Árvakr and Alsviðr as they seek to escape. She is also referred to as the Sigel (Sun) rune  ᛋ in the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc.

Sunne lends his name to our modern ‘Sunday’ from the Old English Sunnandæg.

Contemporary Bīnaman: Blícattung (Shining Coruscation), Beorht-Cwēn (Bright Queen), Feorhgiefu (Giver of Life)